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- International Joint Research Unit 233 TransVIHMI ( ) at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). Role: Project coordination
- IBB Institut Bouisson Bertrand. Role: Coordinator support in financials and administrative matters
- Dan Fletcher Lab ( at UC Berkeley ( ). Role: Responsible for development and production of LoaScopes, including hardware, software, and associated supplies
- CRFILMT – Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases Research Center, Yaounde, Cameroon ( ). Role: Major leadership in carrying out the field studies in humans
- Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases ( at the NIH – National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD ( ). Roles: involvement in the development of the improved LoaScope and oversight of its translation to the field (including training of personnel and supervision of implementation), participation in the supervision of field studies.
- The Research Foundation for Tropical Diseases and the Environment (REFOTDE), Buea, Cameroon. Role: Participation in field studies in humans.
- Department of Public Health ( at Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (EMC) ( Role: mathematical modeling of field data
- Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI ( ). Role: dissemination of the grant outcome protocols to the global program institutions and personnel